Quality Management Systems UNI EN ISO 9001:2015
July 26, 2022

In the BIRN Group, we kick off 2023 with a new Group Strategy that will renew our focus on innovation, communication, sustainability, and collaboration across the entire group.  With the new strategy, we at BERNAREGGI will implement a new visual identity, including a new and more modern logo.

We start the new year with good news: BERNAREGGI and the BIRN Group launch a new and strong strategy for all 6 foundries and our 750 employees in Denmark, Sweden, Germany and Italy.

The strategy is based on 4 of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals, which will be the future benchmarks for us at BERNAREGGI and the rest of the group. These are Affordable and Clean Energy, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Responsible Consumption and Production, and Climate Action. According to Group CEO at BIRN, Claus Beier, the new strategy will support the continuous creation of innovative and market-oriented solutions and increase communication to our customers.


- Among other things, we will renew our focus on sustainability. In addition to taking responsibility for the surrounding community, we also want to help our customers comply with the increasing documentation requirements. We are currently identifying the entire group's CO2 emissions so we can document the climate footprint of the individual products and thus advise the customer, he says and adds:


- This is a good example of our new customer-driven and market-oriented approach. We will also be more visible to our customers, with whom we want to increase our communication.


New visual identity
As part of the new group strategy, we at BERNAREGGI and the other 5 subsidiaries in the BIRN Group will get a new visual identity. The intention is to appear as a unified group, and therefore all companies have also had their logo refreshed.


- Going forward, the subsidiaries will be working even closer together. Even though each subsidiary services different markets, there are still overlaps where we and not least our customers can benefit from the potential synergies, says Claus Beier.